Aurora Reformed Church

Aurora Center, SD

Bulletin: September 1, 2024


SUNDAY: 10:00 AM Worship

WEDNESDAY: 7:00 PM Hope Circle

THURSDAY: 1:30 PM Dorcas


*We welcome Arlin VandeZande to our morning worship service.


*Our prayers and sympathy to Steve & Phyllis Pennings and families on the loss of their father/grandfather, Clarence Pennings, on August 18th. His funeral was August 24th.


*Happy Birthday: Raela Bruinsma, Dorothy Vreugdenhil, Frances DeWaard, Logan Ogle, Dan VanDrongelen

*Happy Anniversary: Beau & Jessica VanGenderen, Aaron & Barbara Wright


Prayer Needs:

*Kendra Paulson (Virgil & Dorthy Vreugdenhil’s granddaughter) is battling cancer.

*Kenny Wintersteen has cancer

*Pauline Tolsma is at the Parkston Nursing home.

*Betty Tegethoff, Sarah Punt & Eltha Wolbrink are in the Corsica Nursing home 

*Dora Dykstra is at the Platte Nursing home.

*Please keep in your prayers all our local firefighters, EMT, police officers and military. 


Mission we support: Living Stone Prison Church, Diamond Willow Ministries (Ft Thompson SD), Center of Hope (Sioux Falls), Navigator Ministries (Colorado Springs), Freedoms Gate Church, Heartcry Ministries.



*Hope Circle meets Wednesday @ 7:00 PM. We will continue our study in Matthew. Kristen is the lesson leader of lesson #4. Hostess is Natalie Nydam.

LADIES:   The Hope Circle would like to extend an invitation to anyone wanting to join our Bible Study group.  We will begin to meet again on September 4 after our summer break.  We are currently studying the book of Matthew! Extra study books are available!   If you have any questions, you can reach out to Twila Dykstra (President), Kristen Bruinsma (Secretary of Education & Spiritual Life) or any one of the current Hope Circle members.  We would love to have more women join us as we study God's word and do service in our church!

*Dorcas meets Thursday at 1:30 PM. Dawn has devotions- Lesson is The Solomon- remainder of Solomon, pg 155-172. Roll Call -Sovereign. Cheryl is the hostess.

*Sunday School starts September 8th!

*There is a calendar in the kitchen for anyone who would be willing to provide, prepare and service the coffee and cookies after the morning worship service. If you would be willing to help out with this, please add your name to a Sunday on the calendar. Questions?- contact Jessica.
If you would just like to provide cookies please talk with Jessica.

*There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the back of church for anyone who would like to greet at church. Hopefully, we can get a rotation going again to greet one another as we come to worship.

*Corsica Community Youth Group (CCYG) is having a golf tournament. Saturday, Sept 7th. Half of the proceeds will be donated to Chad and Tara Wentland to help with Chad's fight with cancer. The other half will go to mission trip to TN summer 2025. Sign up a team or become a golf hole sponsorship. Any amount given is appreciated. Contact Heidi 605-941-4938.


Advanced Notice~ preaching schedule~

Please take notices of time changes!!

(This schedule is subject to change!)



 Call to Worship
Pastoral Prayer
Congregational Greeting
Congregational Worship

#435 “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”
#473 “Victory in Jesus”

Children’s Message
Ecclesiastes 2:18-26
“Work-Blessing or Curse”
Responsive Hymn

#471 “He Leadeth Me”
Closing Doxology
God Be with You”




Special Music:

Organist Schedule:

Sound System Schedule:

**If you need an announcement or a prayer need listed in the bulletin

please contact Ardelle Bruinsma at

All announcements need to be in by Thursday evening.

Please contact one of the consistory members if you have a prayer need and/or if you would like the prayer chain started.
You can also contact Ardelle (680-two five seven one) if you would like the prayer chain started.


Consistory Members

Deacons -- Greg Bruinsma, Beau VanGenderen, Aaron DeHaai

Elder -- Robert Punt